Eyes of the Jedi 4

Solo paused as he selected their next ascent. He turned and quickly described the terrain to the Tatooine youth. Luke nodded, drew on the Force and allowed it to guide his steps. Once he allowed all anxieties to flow from him and gave his complete confidence to the essence within, he found all his remaining senses heightened. He followed Solo's direction with the confidence and surefootedness of the sighted. Solo struggled weakly behind the boy, his eyes searching the foothills below them. He had thought he had seen movement once, but the semi-darkness of the barren world's day left him unsure.

ソロはしばし立ち止まり進路を選んだ。タトゥイーンの若者に向き直り地形をざっと説明する。 ルークは頷き、フォースを引き寄せ自らの歩みを導かせた。不安を残らず昇華させ、内なる力に全てを委ねると残された感覚が全て研ぎ澄まされるのを感じた。まるで目が見えているかのようにしっかりとして確信に満ちた足取りでソロが決めた方角をたどる。彼らの下に広がる丘陵地帯に目を向けたまま、弱々しくよろめきながらソロがその後に続いた。一度、何かが動いたのを見たと思ったのだが、荒れ果てた世界の薄暗い昼間がそれを不確かなものにしていた。

They were forced to rest often, their lungs demanding more oxygen than the sterile world could give. Both longed for water, their systems crying for the life-giving moisture. They tried to ignore their needs. Luke had felt about their pathways until he had found several smooth, round stones and had handed several to Han. They sucked on them greedily.

枯れきったその星が供給してくれる酸素は彼らの肺が必要とする量には足りず、何度も休憩する羽目になった。二人とも水を渇望していた。体が生命の源である水分を欲して悲鳴を上げている。彼らは出来るだけその欲求を無視しようとしていた。手探りで進むルークが滑らかな丸い石をいくつか見つけてハンに手渡すと、 彼らはその石を飢えたようにしゃぶった。



The warning came unexpectedly, but the Corellian reacted from years of practice. He threw himself to the ground. A flash, and an energy beam struck the boulder only steps from them.


He fought awkwardly for his own weapon as he searched the terrain below for signs of their pursuer.


Luke had taken shelter behind a boulder only paces from Solo. Han thanked the boy's instincts that had saved their lives.


He waited. The palm of his hand wet about the grip of his weapon, he watched the silent foothills. They couldn't stay here, he argued with himself, they were too exposed to the enemy somewhere below. He longed to send Luke on while he covered his back, but fear kept him from making the decision. A wrong step and the boy could pitch and fall to his death. Neither could Luke move from one rock field to the next, using them as protection from the danger below. He couldn't use what he couldn't see. Han swore helplessly. His vision blurred from his growing weakness and a rising fever he had felt begin hours before. He had to stay on his feet - alert - or they would likely die.


Something moved below him. His hand tightened as he forced himself to wait. A figure moved cautiously into the open, a laser rifle moving to his shoulder as he prepared to shoot. Solo drew a deep breath, held it and squeezed off a careful shot left-handed. The blaster bucked in his weakened grip, the energy bolt erupting, sending its deadly beam toward the surprised being. He faltered, the rifle forgotten, as the beam struck the rocks at his feet. They rolled and the being fell, the boulders about him protecting him from the other shots Solo sent downward.


Solo scrambled up. "Luke, get moving while he's pinned down - hurry! I can't keep - him down - long. Be careful!"


Skywalker pushed into a protected ridge of a boulder field and stopped. He stiffened as rocks rolled under rushing feet. He moved aside and reached for the stumbling Corellian. A welcomed hand touched and grasped his.


"'S all right. I'm right - here - "


Together they slid down, their backs to the rock walls of their natural fortress.


"How far down is he?"


"'Bout the place where we started that hard - climb over the first ridge - he ain't gonna be too quick to - follow us - just now. He got careless - got into my range - " Han panted, his breathing tormented anguish.


"You've bought us some time," Luke finished softly.


Solo nodded. He leaned against the cold stone, the blaster still clinched in a left-handed grip, he breathed deeply.


"Luke, I think I'm getting a fever - I'm warmer - than I should be - "


Skywalker felt for his friend's body, touched, identified Solo's bared chest and moved his hand upward. His feathery touch found Solo's lips, his cheek and settled on a very warm forehead.


"Yes. How long?"


"Don't know - for sure. Climbing - I didn't notice it. Luke - if I pass out - "


"You haven't yet." Luke commented softly. "We'll worry about it if and when it happens. The beacon's signal is strong - we just need time - "


"It's running out - Luke."


Skywalker shook his head in stubborn denial. "We'll make it - there's only one of him - we're above him. "


"And we've got to stay above him - or we're dead."


"Are you ready to move?"


The Corellian's handsome mouth pulled into the familiar lopsided smile that could not be seen by the Jedi. "No, but I don't like - the idea of - dying here. Would make one - big - Wookiee - damned mad - if he got here and only had a corpse to pick - up."

「いや、でも…こんな場所で死ぬのは…ごめんだ。もし死体しか回収できないことになったら、 かんかんになるでかいウーキーがいるからな」

"A mad Wookiee I can do without. Let's go." Luke got to his feet and held out a hand to the Corellian. Solo struggled to shaky legs, allowing Luke to again steady him. "Any dizziness?"


"Some blurred vision - now and then - " Solo admitted. "Could be the concussion, the weakness or even the fever - just keep me up - and moving - "


Solo studied the barren, cold, boulder field about them. He could think of only one direction - upward. He pointed Luke to the trail and described the footing. Luke started off, Solo a close, protecting step behind him.

ソロは眼前の荒々しく冷たい絶壁を見渡した。考えられる進路は一つしかなかった――上だ。 ルークをそちらの方向に向かせ、地表の様子を説明する。歩き始めたルークの後ろを庇うようにソロが追った。

Several more times they were shot at from a distance, but their pursuer made no attempt to get into Solo's blaster range. He merely followed and waited. In time, Solo reminded himself, it would pay off. He was reaching the end of his tough Corellian endurance.


He stopped to catch his breath and to holster the blaster he had found suddenly too heavy to carry, and watched in fuzzy fascination the small figure far below them moving slowly, steadily upward. He moved a shaky hand to his face, the heat of his growing fever a very real danger to their situation. And for a moment, his attention was away from the young Jedi.


He glanced upward, then pulled quickly away from the granite wall. Luke had not been aware of his stop but had continued on, his steps angling sharply toward the southern edge of the ridges they followed. Solo swore in sudden fear and pushed forward urgently on sluggish legs.


"Luke - stop. Wait for me." Solo pushed himself, fearful of the unsighted friend, who walked perilously close to the edge of the narrow, ancient pathway. "Luke - stop!"


The young Jedi stopped and turned toward the Corellian's urgent shout. He stood a step from the sheer drop.


Solo grabbed the boy and shoved him into the rock wall, away from the drop. His arms shaking, he held the boy tightly. His breathing ragged - scared.


"Han, it's all right."


"One step - one more damned step - "


"Han, I'm all right." There was no fear in Luke's voice. "I - sensed the edge. I would not have fallen."


Solo slid down. Spent. Weary. A gentle hand touched his face, his closed eyes, his flushed cheeks and his dry-cracked lips then settled on the dry, crusty bandage about his shoulder.


"A little further, Han, just a little further. Along this ridge and about twelve - fifteen meters upward - "


"What?" Han opened red-rimmed, fever-brightened eyes and settled his hazy gaze on the boy's sightless eyes. "I can't, Luke. You go on. I'll cover you - he won't get by me - easy - "


"No." Luke refused strongly. "We've come this far together. We'll go all the way. It's time to make our stand, but not here. Trust me, Han. Just a little further - just a little further - "


Solo slowly shook his head in puzzlement. "I don't know - what - how you can - " Solo paused, his Corellian instincts sensing strengths within the boy his common sense tried to deny. He gave in to them. "Kid - I'd follow you into hell - if you - thought strongly on it. Get me up."


Luke helped the bigger man to his feet. Han swayed and put his back to the firmness of granite.


A sound, all but obliterated by Solo's movement, sent the Jedi into a crouch. With a flash of speed, Han could barely follow, Luke drew the spacer's blaster from his holster, spun and fired in one smooth, fluid motion. The blaster spoke urgently, and a figure pulled back behind the ridge only meters from him.


"Let's move - quick!"


"How?" Solo stood, stunned.


Luke grabbed his arm and shoved the Corellian toward the trail.


Han recoiled from the vacant stare of the blinded youth, but stumbled forward, guided by Luke's urgent directions.


The blaster spoke again, but Solo kept his attention on his moving feet, and the absolute concentration it took to put one foot before the other. He continued, his pain, his weariness, a numbness to his body and his mind.


"Here - down!"


Solo crumbled wearily down. His eyes closed and he remembered nothing else.


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