This story was written just for fun and is not an attempt to make money or infringe on any copyrights or trademarks.


+++ by M.J. Mink +++

The mission had been well planned. It wasn't any mistake on the part of the Alliance command staff or the ground exploration team that led to its failure. It was the sudden, unexpected appearance of aliens that descended on the team and their enemy, and killed all but two.


Luke Skywalker gave credit where it was due: the Force saved him. If it hadn't heightened his senses so he could detect the strange presence, if it hadn't given him incredible physical skills that enabled him to leap high in the air, he would be dead, too. As it was, he was... treed.


He felt incredibly foolish. He knew he should feel bad for his comrades, but they were dead and beyond his sympathy. So he simply felt sorry for himself, an inexperienced eighteen-year-old clinging to the scratchy upper branches of a very tall tree, and wondered how he would get down. There was no sturdy trunk to hold his weight so he could climb; he had a death-grip on three lean branches, and he wasn't certain how long they would hold him. If Ben Kenobi hadn't been killed a few weeks earlier, he could have asked if the Force--since it had gotten him in this predicament--would condescend to float him down to the ground. He could try, of course, but he didn't want to end up with a body made of broken bones and then discover that those...things...ate people.


The Creatures had dragged away his companions as well as the stormtroopers who had discovered the Rebels' quest for a new base and followed them down to this cursed planet. Luke knew that soon another team would be sent to find them, and more stormtroopers would come looking for their fellows. The Creatures would kill them all.


Somehow he had to get out of this tree and off the planet to send a warning before anyone else walked blindly into danger. He leaned forward, forcing the branches to bend, and craned his neck to peer through the leaves. There was a movement off to his left; he shifted to see and lost his grip, sliding down a few feet before his leg caught in a fork and he was again, for the moment, safe.


"Are you planning on vacating your perch, young one?"


The booming voice startled him, and he let go. Moments later, he found himself hanging upside down on a branch that was slowly cracking under his weight.


"Release your hold. Come down from there."


The voice sounded like it was used to being obeyed, but Luke would be damned if he'd deliberately fall through this mass of tangled twigs and sharp, scratchy-


The branch snapped.


"Yow!" With a stifled shriek, he fell. Just before he would have struck the ground, something he could only describe as "fat air" cushioned him and deposited him gently on a mound of dirt.


Gingerly, he poked his legs and ribs. Nothing broken. Before he could rise, darkness filled his vision and a black glove grasped his hand. He was hauled to his feet. Confused, he looked up. And up.


A giant of a man pondered him. Luke could see nothing but black--a highly polished helmet that was marred by scratches and a light dusting of the native grey soil; a mask with a breathing apparatus that testified this man could not tolerate oxygen; a chestplate with lights and monitors; a uniform and a long cloak-


"You're not a stormtrooper!" Luke exclaimed, then stammered, annoyed by his foolishness, "I mean-- I can see you're not-- But you were with them, weren't you? Or do you live here--well, of course not, or you could breathe the atmosphere. You're not with the Creatures, are you? Are you their--"


One black hand raised and halted his questions. "Answers can wait, young one. I suggest we seek shelter before the Creatures return."


"Do you know where they went?" he asked curiously.


"Presumably they have taken away their prey for later consumption," the other said tightly. "Follow me."


He followed, hastening his pace to a trot to keep up with his companion. "Where are we going?"


"Up," was the unhelpful reply.


Obstinately, Luke lagged behind, clambering up the hill, leaping lightly over the small rocky outcroppings that began to appear as they ascended, and pausing to study the rocks and soil. Finally he ran to catch up with the man, and the black cloak whipped him in the face. He batted it irritably. "Hey!"


His protest was ignored, and he didn't repeat it. Couldn't repeat it as his breath began to catch. He'd thought he was in good shape, but he could barely keep up with the giant, whose measured breaths never faltered. Luke was grudgingly impressed and wondered again if the man was an Imperial. He'd never seen anyone dressed all in black, except for some of the beings in that memorable cantina in Mos Eisley--and that man who'd killed Ben.


He'd barely noticed the man because his horrified gaze had been locked on his new mentor, but there'd been a lightsaber and-


"Hey!" he called again. He grabbed the cloak and yanked at it. The man stopped. Luke wrapped the fabric around his fist and pulled. And stared.


A lightsaber.


With a gasp that was part snarl, Luke drew his own saber and ignited it. The man simply stared at him.


"You propose a duel now, when our lives are in danger from a mutual enemy?"


"It was you!" Luke blurted. "You were on the Death Star--you killed Ben Kenobi!"


There was a pause, then the man's voice rumbled, "Which has nothing to do with you, child. Put down your weapon."


"He was my friend!"


"He was my enemy."


Luke hesitated. There was no animosity in those words; evidently the man didn't consider Luke to be his enemy, too. And he could scarcely cut down a man who wouldn't fight him, could he? That wasn't the Jedi way. Making his decision, he turned off the saber--truth be told, he wasn't certain he could have handled it anyway--and rehooked it on his belt.


"Thank you," the man said dryly. He turned and began climbing again.


Luke looked after him for a moment. He twisted his head and stared down the hill. Most of the view was obscured by trees that grew twisted and gnarled. There was nowhere else to go. It occurred to him that he might never be found. If another Rebel team came down to the surface, they would find the remains of the first team and assume he was dead. He glanced back at his fellow survivor and saw, with some alarm, that the man was very far in front of him.


"Wait for me!" he called and began running, stumbling in the loose gravel. When he reached with the man, they were at the top of the hill--which also happened to be the base of a sheer cliff.


The man in black was staring upward. Luke joined him, squinting at the solid rock face towering above. "We're not going to climb that...are we?" he asked doubtfully.




"Good." His gaze wandered and locked on a dark feature on the landscape. "Look, a cave!"


"I know. We will shelter there."


"Oh. You already knew." This was the way Uncle Owen had made him feel: useless and not too bright.


"I arrived before you and thus had the opportunity to see it first."


He glanced curiously at the man. It almost sounded as if this stranger was reassuring him. "What about the Creatures? If we stop, won't they find us?"


"I have noted that they appear to dislike climbing. Perhaps they will be reluctant to follow us. If they do, from here we can see them coming and hold them off.


"With what?"


The black mask turned toward him. "Your blaster."


Luke's hand brushed it protectively. "You don't carry one," he observed unnecessarily.


The man ignored his statement. "And, when they close in, two lightsabers."


Luke shrugged. "I don't actually... know how to use it."


The man didn't reply. "Come," he said and led the way to the cave.


It was obvious from the pristine state of the cave floor that no animal made a home here. With the Creatures on this planet, perhaps no other animal life was left. With a sigh, Luke dropped onto the ground and crossed his legs, resting his elbows on them.


"What are we going to do for food and water?"


The man prowled the cave. He had to bend slightly because the ceiling didn't accommodate his great height. "Do you not carry rations?"


"A little." Luke shrugged. "Do you have any?"




"Well," he reflected, "I suppose we should wait until we're very hungry. It won't last long between the two of us."


"You would share your rations with me?" The man sounded surprised.


"Of course."


After a hesitation, the man sat beside him. "I am allied with the Imperium."


"I figured that out," Luke snapped. "But you still have to eat, don't you?"


The man chuckled. "Indeed, that has often been a matter of speculation."


Before Luke could ask what he meant, the other drew a small black pouch from his belt. "Berries," he said.




"I picked them while we climbed. Eat. They will not harm you."


He trusted the stranger. If the man wanted to hurt him, he would have already done it. "I didn't see any berries." Cautiously, he bit into a plump, round fruit. It was juicy and flavorful, but a little tart.


"Your powers of observation are not well honed."


Nothing about me is well honed, he thought glumly. "I don't know much. I grew up in a desert. There was nothing to look at."


"There is always something to look at, boy. What planet are you from?"




"Tatooine," the man echoed thoughtfully. "How extraordinary."


"There's nothing extraordinary about Tatooine," Luke replied bitterly.


"Then you were glad to leave?"


"Yes, but... Imperial troops killed my guardians."


"You were fortunate they did not kill you."


Luke pulled his knees together and rested his chin on them. "I wasn't there when it happened. I came home...after. If I'd been there...." He shrugged. "I guess I'd be dead, too."


The man was quiet, and Luke tilted his face to study the boots that were slowly being stretched out. He asked the question that he'd wondered since he saw the lightsaber: "Are you a Jedi?"


The stretching movement halted. "No," the man said shortly. With economic, graceful moves, he folded his legs and stood. "I will set up an alarm system for the night. Tomorrow we will seek water and a further source of food."


"Someone might come for us," Luke offered, rising.


"We may be here for some time," the man countered.


"We may be here forever," Luke whispered, frightening himself with the observation.


"We will not," the man said with such certainty that Luke was reassured. "We must make the most of the time we have."


He watched the man stride from the cave, curiosity rising as he considered the words. Make the most of what? "Wait for me," he called as he hastened from the cave. "Hey! What's your name?"


From the opposite end of the rocky ledge, the giant turned. "Call me...Kin."


"Kin?" Luke repeated. "As in 'relative'?"


The man made an odd sound that might have been a chuckle. "Very good. Yes. Kin."


He grinned. "Okay...Kin. I'm Luke."


"I know."


"How could you know that?" Luke scoffed. He followed the man's example and broke twigs off the scrubby brush to lay across the trail.


Kin pointed to the breastpocket of Luke's uniform.


"Oh," Luke said. He fingered the namepatch. "But it only says 'Skywalker'."


"You're famous," Kin said lightly.


"Really?" He considered it, wondering if the stranger was teasing him. Still, he had destroyed the Death Star, so maybe his name was known among Imperials. "That's not necessarily a good thing."


"Not necessarily," the man agreed companionably.


He rather liked this odd Imperial. "Do you have any kids?" he asked impulsively.


The man squatted, his cloak dragging in the dirt and made a strange movement with his hand as if he were putting a spell on the sticks. "I have a son."


"Oh." Luke imitated the motion, but felt nothing magical. "Do you miss him?"


Kin straightened. "Yes. What are you doing?"


He flushed. "I was doing... whatever you were doing. Is that a Force thing?"


"I was brushing away an insect."


Luke rolled his eyes, disgusted with himself. "Oh.... My father abandoned me," he blurted and immediately wondered why he was telling a stranger such a personal thing.


"Did he indeed? Who told you that?"


"My Uncle Owen." Luke snapped off a few more twigs and laid them on the pile. "Aunt Beru said that wasn't quite true."


"She would."


"Huh? Oh, yeah, that's right. Women are...gentler about what they say. Do we have enough branches now? We should be able to hear them coming."


The man stared across the valley that spread out below their high roost. "The Force will tell me when they come."


"You said you weren't a Jedi. How can you use the Force?"


"Many can use the Force, child. The Jedi were simply a quasi-military organization whose glory days passed centuries ago."


Luke put his hands on his hips. "My father was a Jedi!" he protested indignantly. "And I'm going to be one--just like him!"


"Aren't you a little old for blind hero worship?" Kin asked slowly. He turned. "Come, we will scavenge, then light a fire and retire to the protection of the cave for the night. The sun will soon set."


The man was correct. This planet had very short days, Luke reflected, and wondered how long the night might be. He shivered, feeling a hint of coolness slip into the air, an indication of freezing temperatures to come.


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