Marooned 2

Two hours later, his intuition was proven right. If not for the fire, they would have been miserably cold. Luke finished his meager meal of berries and a nutribar, followed it with a swig of precious water, and leaned back against the cave wall, shifting to get comfortable. Kin hadn't eaten--or at least hadn't ingested food. He said his suit supplied him with nutrients--a handy idea that Luke thought he would recommend to the Alliance command. If he ever got back to them.


"Do you really think we'll be rescued?" he whispered to the darkness that lurked in the shadows behind the fire.




He waited, but there were no more words. He longed for words; they would banish his uneasiness. "Can"


There was a gleam as the black helmet shifted and flame-light danced off it. "Yes." Kin paused. "Tell me more of this Jedi father who abandoned you."


"I don't really know any more," Luke admitted wistfully. "Uncle Owen told me he was a navigator. Ben Kenobi told me he was a Jedi and gave me this lightsaber. He said it belonged to my father. It's the only thing I have of his, so...I guess it must be true. That he was a Jedi, I mean."


"People have deceived you." Kin must have seen his nod in the dimness. "Are you so certain that he is dead?"


"If he were alive, he would have come for me," Luke said simply.


The silence lengthened. Luke drew circles in the dirt with his boot heel, then erased them. "Can I sit by you?" he asked finally, feeling childish but needing companionship.




He crawled around the fire and settled himself cross-legged next to the man. "You don't say much, do you?"


"You, child, say enough for both of us."


Luke grinned. "I've been told that before."


"Chastisement evidently did not curb your tongue."


He ducked his head. "Yeah. the way your voice sounds. Is it because of the helmet or does it always sound that way?"


"I have a vocoder."


Was he supposed to know what that was? "Oh."


There was a pause. "It amplifies my voice," Kin explained further. "Adds resonance."


"I wish I had a deep voice." He waited a few minutes and added: "And was taller."


Kin would make a good imaginary father. Luke wondered if his own father had been a runt like him or a near-giant like Kin.


"So you don't know what he looked like?"


His eyes widened. "Can you read my mind?"


Kin shrugged. "You broadcast your thoughts strongly."


"Do I?" he wondered. "Is that the Force? Do you think I'll be able to read minds when I'm a Jedi?"


Another deep chuckle came from the man. "Are you planning on training to become a Jedi or do you think it will happen overnight?"


"I hope it will happen overnight," Luke replied flippantly, covering his misgivings, "because I have no idea how to be one. And there's no one left to teach me. Ben said the Emperor and a Jedi named Vader killed all the other Jedi. Including my father."


"How...unfortunate." The words oozed sarcasm, and Luke flinched.


"Well, it certainly was unfortunate for me. I would have liked having a father instead of being stuck in that hell-hole with a cranky old uncle!"


He'd expected Kin to laugh, but he didn't. "I'm certain your father felt the same way. What if...." Kin hesitated.


"What if what?"


One dark glove made a small gesture. "What if you discovered that your father was alive? How would you feel?"


"You mean if he was hiding from the Emperor or if he'd been wounded and gotten amnesia? I've thought about all those things." Luke sighed. "But why wouldn't he have remembered me? Why didn't...wouldn't he want me?"


"Perhaps he is keeping you safe."


"Safe from what? No," Luke said decisively, "I'll bet he has another life, another family-- Or he's dead. That's all. Dead."


"And you want to be like him."


"Not the dead part! But the rest...yes. I'll be a Jedi like my father."


"What if he wasn't a Jedi?"


Luke shifted uncomfortably and peered at the mask. "Of course he was a Jedi! I have his lightsaber."


"Are you certain that is your father's lightsaber?"


"Yes. Ben told me so, and he was a Jedi so he wouldn't lie. Anyway, I have to be a Jedi. I don't know how to do anything else. Except fly."




Luke unhooked the saber from his belt and ran his fingers over the hilt. "My father built this himself. I wonder if he fought Vader with it? Ben didn't say exactly how he died, just that Vader killed him. And I think...." He stared into the fire. "I think I'll use it to kill Vader."

「このセイバーは父さんが作ったんだ。これでベイダーと闘ったのかな?ベンは父さんがどうやって死んだのかは言ってなかった、ただベイダーに殺されたとしか。僕は…」 彼は炎をじっと見つめた。

Kin didn't speak for a long time. Luke lost himself to his dreams of vengeance and loneliness and was startled when the low voice said: "Be cautious of the vows you make. Be certain of their wisdom, be assured of the veracity of the ones who whisper secrets... or you may make a mistake so terrible that you will be burdened with it forever."


Despite the nearness of the flames, Luke shivered. "I don't know why I'm saying all this."


"On some level, you feel close to me."


He could think of no reply, so he settled back against the wall, sliding down to find a place where he could rest. Kin meant the Force...somehow the Force had connected them, Rebel and Imperial.


It was a strange thought, ultimately comforting, but for now-- Wrapping his arms around himself for warmth, Luke drifted easily into oblivion.


Sometime in the night he woke briefly. The fire had been freshly tended and was flickering brightly. He was wrapped in soft black fabric, and his head was pillowed on something distinctly unrock-like. Drowsily, he opened his eyes and rubbed his cheek against a darkly padded...arm? Murmuring an indistinct sound of appreciation, he fell back into nothingness.


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