Doubts of a Hero 3

"Thank you," Luke said after a long silence. He eased the blanket from his shoulders and began to methodically fold it for storage again. "I'm glad-- glad I was finally able to talk about some of this stuff."


"I'm still a bit worried though," Han added, his voice still laced with emotion. "I know we've talked and all, but you were right when you said there's more to this than just a bad nightmare."


Luke met his gaze. "Then you do think I should see someone about this."


The pilot waved his hands in a negative gesture. "That's not necessarily what I mean. I'm just saying that when you described it to me, you were pretty shook up. It's also affecting your sleep, you aren't eating regular, and you almost passed out right here on the ship. You have to consider it might be something you need to speak with someone else about. Someone you can talk to, maybe on a regular basis, and in strict confidentiality."


"And why couldn't that someone be you," Luke asked pointedly.


"I appreciate the vote of confidence," Han replied with a grin. Then he sobered. "And I want you to know you can talk to me whenever, about anything. But I just think you should consider someone who might be able to do more than just talk back. I think you should confide in the Princess."


"I don't know," Luke said quietly. He'd certainly felt like a hero when they rescued Leia from the Death Star, but now that she was among the Alliance and into some sense of routine with her responsibilities, he'd not felt as comfortable about approaching her. "Leia's awfully busy these days, and she has so much to do with the higher ups in the Alliance. Plus with everything she's been through, maybe I shouldn't bother her with my problems."


Han nearly laughed. "Would you listen to yourself? Is this the same presumptuous farmboy who talked me and Chewie into marching into an Imperial detention block?"


Luke just stared back at him sheepishly and shrugged.


"Of course she's busy, and she's got pull with the brass, and she's been through hell, but those are also reasons why she'd be the perfect one for you to talk to. With her clout, maybe the Princess could point you in the right direction if you should need to talk about this dream business to someone else. And the fact that she's busy means she probably hasn't time to deal with all the feelings and thoughts going through that crazy mind of hers regarding recent events. In case you haven't noticed, you two have those things in common. You might be able to understand each other in a way no one else can."


"I guess I hadn't thought of that."


"And," Han went on, "she already thinks of you as a good friend. I'd wager she hopes you'd say the same thing about her."


"Of course I would."


"Then talk to her." The smuggler gave his friend a playful wink. "Besides, I think she's got an eye for you."


The young man smiled for the first time since their discussion began, and color flushed his cheeks. "She's just being polite and diplomatic," he managed.


This time, Han did laugh. "Sure. Whatever you say, kid."


"Now wait a minute," Luke persisted. "Yes, I do care about Leia. I care about her a lot. And she is-- well, she is beautiful. But that doesn't mean that-- I mean, just because--"


Han, obviously amused at the young pilot's floundering, grinned and raised one eyebrow questioningly, suggestively.


Luke stopped his stuttering and stared down at his hands. "I don't know what I mean, really. All I do know is that what matters right now is that I want to be her friend. Anything else that might happen-- well, anything else isn't important."


Han, somewhat impressed by his friend's suddenly intent seriousness, considered that. It seemed the naive farmboy was growing up after all.


"I'll think about what you said," Luke continued. "Maybe talking with Leia about some of this would help."


A brief silence passed before Han finally spoke a final concern. "There's just one more thing I want to mention. About this whole dream thing, you kept mentioning you could feel everything, as well as see it."


Luke nodded.


"Do you suppose this has anything at all to do with," Han paused, obviously uncomfortable with addressing the subject. "Could this be related in some way to your connection with the Force?"


Luke looked surprised. "I didn't think you believed in that."


"Well, let's just say that I've been around enough to know what works, and what works for me is staying one step ahead of the game using my wits and my good aim with a blaster." The smuggler shrugged. "Maybe what works for you is something a little different. The old man certainly seemed to think so."


Mention of Luke's mentor, Ben Kenobi, reopened the floodgates of loss. "What difference does it make," Luke asked, a grievous edge in his tone.


"I'd think it makes a big difference," Han replied.


Luke exploded, liberating the maelstrom of his frustration and grief. "But how am I supposed to know? What am I supposed to do about it? What good is it for me to have the Force when there's no one to train me now?"


The Correlian looked contrite. "I'm sorry, Luke. I didn't mean to bring it all back up again."


Luke shook his head. "It's not your fault." He wiped at tears that had suddenly fallen, unbidden down his cheeks. "I just miss Ben, that's all."


Han touched the younger man's shoulder, offering what comfort he could.


"I just feel so lost sometimes," Luke whispered. "There's so much I don't know."


"I wish I had some advice to offer," Han voiced with sincerity. "But most of what I know about Jedi consists of little more than cantina stories."


Luke nodded, acknowledging his friend's desire to help. He knew there had to be answers, somewhere. And in time he would find them. But for now Ben's loss was too fresh for him to feel anything but the ache. He wondered, with a sense of melancholy, when he would stop feeling so wearied by it all.

友人の親切心を受け入れる意味で、ルークは頷いた。何処かに答えはあるに違いない。 そのうちきっと見つけられるだろう。しかし今はまだベンの死が生々しすぎて、痛みを呼び覚ますものでしかなかった。物悲しい気分で、彼はいつになったら情けない気分にならずに済むだろうかと考えた。

"Well, it's getting late," Luke said after a long silence. "I'd better go."


"You're welcome to sleep on board tonight, if you want."


"I appreciate the offer, Han, but I'll pass."


"Well, just so you'll know, there's always an extra bunk here with your name on it."


Luke managed a slight smile, even as the thought occurred to him that the Falcon and her extra bunk was just as likely to be gone at any time. As much as it thrilled him to see Han still hanging around, the noncommittal way the Correlian captain continued to remain with the Alliance frustrated Luke terribly. But that was yet another battle, and one he didn't even care to acknowledge right now.


"I want to thank you again, for talking with me tonight. I feel like it's helped."


The smuggler donned his lopsided grin once again. "That's what friends are for, right?"


Luke's own smile came easily this time. "Always."


+++ The End +++

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FEEDBACK (to Michelle Lunsford)

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